This is a spacer out of sight

Pilgrims of Freedom

Master of Sages


Whose are the eyes, which run through the earth?
Who rules the wind and the fire?
Who sent the first kiss, which gave lovers birth,
And made them like eagles soar higher?
Who sends the tempest, which breaks the rocks of the earth,
And bends the knees of its kings?
Who formed the first child, that, with questioning eyes,
Saw a world full of beautiful things?

He's the ancient of days, his touch sent the rays
Of the first warming sun, and lo, life had begun.
Who ever heard his firm gentle word
knows it's sweeter than all songs, that have been sung.
He sends the dove of his sweet gentle love
to woo the hearts of all men.
He's the firm father, who fashioned this world.
He's the beginning, and he is the end.

He's the master of sages, through all ages the same.
Just call his name, and he's near.
If you do your part, let him search reins and heart,
He'll drive away evil and fear.
Let his wild spirit touch you, and form you anew.
He'll give you new eyes to see,
That all those, who seek him, are destiny's child,
And all those, who find him, are free.

Let his wild spirit touch you, and form you anew;
He'll give you a new heart to see
That all those, who seek him, are destiny's child,
And all those, who find him, are free.